Shiny Pet Coats Dog Grooming Salon

2078 Essex Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7R8, Canada 604-864-4046
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Business phone number 604-864-4046
Service Area Abbotsford
Country Canada
State/Province British Columbia
distance: 68 Kilometers
Address 2078 Essex Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7R8, Canada
  1. shelann said on July 4, 2016 7:52 PM:

    This gal gives pride to her job and never disappoints. In my opinion….she does not charge enough. She pays attention to detail and listens to what you want and also like. My dog does not like to socialize with other dogs and she makes sure I know when she is done so I can pick up my dog right away. She has a clean, in-home business that I would highly recommend

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