Dog Licensing Burnaby BC

4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2, Canada (604) 294-7320
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Dogs over the age of four months are required to wear an annual dog licence tag. These can be purchased at:

  • The Burnaby Licence Office, City Hall at 4949 Canada Way
  • The Burnaby Animal Shelter-SPCA at 3202 Norland Avenue
  • Participating Burnaby veterinary clinics

To first obtain your dog licence, print and complete the Burnaby Dog Licence form and submit it with the appropriate fee to the Licence Office. This can be done in person or by mail. Fees are payable by cash, cheque, Interac or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) using the Credit Card Payments form.

If your dog has been spayed or neutered or you are changing your licence renewal class type from unaltered to spayed/neutered, please note that proof of the procedure (veterinary certificate) is required upon request.

To renew your dog licence by Credit Card please use our Online Renewal Service.

Annual Dog Licence Fees

Prior to March 1
or New Dog
March 1
and later
Each spayed or neutered dog $26.00 $36.40
Each unaltered dog $52.00 $62.40
Each vicious* dog – spayed or neutered $100.00 $100.00
Each vicious* dog – unaltered $150.00 $150.00


Transfer to new owner $10.00
Transfer to replacement dog $10.00


Replacement Tags $5.00

Business phone number (604) 294-7320
Country Canada
State/Province British Columbia
distance: 12 Kilometers
Address 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2, Canada
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