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Yakutian horse

Yakutian horse

Country Of Origin Russia
History and Background The Yakutian horse (Yakut: Саха ата, Sakha ata), sometimes called the Yakut horse, Yakut pony or simply the Yakut, is a rare native horse breed from the Siberian Sakha Republic (or Yakutia) region. It is large compared to the otherwise similar Mongolian horse and Przewalski's horse (the former being a breed; the latter the last wild horse in the world). It is noted for its adaptation to the extreme cold climate of Yakutia, including the ability to locate and graze on vegetation that is under deep snow cover, and to survive without shelter in temperatures that reach −70 °C (−94 °F).
The horses appear to have evolved from domesticated horses brought with the Yakuts when they migrated to the area beginning in the 13th century, and are not descended from wild horses known to inhabit the area in Neolithic times.
Use Today Riding horse, Pack animal, Meat production, Milk production, Transportation, Racing, Fur
Height 14.3 hands (57.2 inches, 150 cm)
Colour Bay, Dun, Grey, Roan
Characteristics Head is coarse
Neck is straight
Lack is wide and long
Chest is wide and deep
Legs are short and hard
Hooves are solid
Body hair, mane and tail grow dense and thick
3 Yakut Types
Northern most and original type – called the Middle Kolyma or Verkhoyansk
Southern small type – hasn’t been crossed with improved breeds and the most valuable of the types
Southern large type – generally improved through crossbreeding
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