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Serbian Tricolour Hound

Breed Characteristics

Compatibility With Children
Trainability (Learning Rate)
Energy Level
Exercise Requirements
Compatibility With Other Pets

1 paw - breed exhibits the least amount of this characteristic
5 paws - breed exhibits most amount of this characteristic


Serbian Tricolour Hound

Other Names Yugoslavian Tricolour Hound, Jugoslovenski Trobojni Gonic
Country of Origin Serbia
Weight 44 – 55 lbs. (20 – 25 kg)
Height (at withers) Males: 18 – 22 in. (45 – 55 cm)
Females: 17½ – 21½ in. (44 – 54 cm)
Coat Hair is short, abundant, gleaming and slightly thick, lying well all over the body. The undercoat is quite well developed. Hair is slightly longer over the back of the thighs and the underside of the tail.
Colour The base coat is deep red or fox red with a black mantle or saddle. The back can go up as far the head where it forms black marks on the temples. The white star on the head and the blaze, which stretches down the muzzle, form a complete or partial collar under and around the neck.
Litter Size 3 - 6 puppies
Life Span 12 years
Origin & History The Serbian Tricolour Hound is one of a group of scenthounds that has existed in the Balkans for a long time. For many years, the breed was regarded as simply a variety of other Serbian scenthounds, but in 1946 this was strongly refuted and the breed was granted independent status from other scenthounds and a standard was drawn up. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognized the breed in 1961. under the name Yugoslavian Tricolour Hound.
Today, the Serbian Tricolour Hound is still popular in its native country of Serbia, although it is hardly seen beyond its borders.
Personality The Serbian Tricolour Hound is a loving, lively and devoted breed that is completely loyal to its owner. Its kind and dependable nature has helped it to become popular both in the home and the field where its tenacity in the hunt is greatly admired.

Care Requirements

Health There are no known health problems that are specific to the Serbian Tricolour Hound. Any health problems it may develop can be found in most other dog breeds.
Grooming They do not require a large amount of grooming. The smooth short-haired coat is easy to look after. Owners will simply want to make sure the coat is brushed on a consistent basis. These dogs should only be given baths when they need it. A wipe down with a damp towel should suffice for the bathing aspect, (although you should bathe it with mild soap only if or when necessary; you should also dry shampoo it occasionally), however a rubber, wire, or hard bristled brush would work best for the brushing aspect. The shedding patterns of these dogs are not known. Be sure to check the ears carefully for signs of infection. The nails should also be trimmed, (particularly to avoid nail-born infections).
Exercise This is a hunting dog that needs extensive amounts of exercise. Without it, the dog could become problematic for its owners. It should be taken on walks daily, and this dog is great for healthy people who love to jog and hike.
Other Considerations While it can live in an apartment, it may perform better in a small yard. It is important for owners to make sure this dog is never unleashed in an unsecured area, as it may run off in the direction of the first interesting scent it picks up. It is important for owners to make sure these dogs are given lots of space to move around in.
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