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Russian Riding Horse

Russian Riding Horse

Country Of Origin Russia
History and Background The Russian Riding horse was created for under saddle use by Count Orlov at the end of the 18th century. Orlov was was also responsible for the Orlov Trotter (used for harness).
A number of different breeds were used to create the Russian Riding and Count Orlov strictly controlled breeding to utilize the best of each animal. Local climate was taken into consideration as animals must be able to withstand winter conditions.
This riding horse quickly grew in popularity and spread throughout Russia, by the middle of the 19th century almost half of the stallions used for breeding were of saddle type. By the end of the 19th century these bloodlines were being used to create military saddle horses.
The first World War almost destroyed the breed and in 1931 a small herd was collected (less than 10 animals) and moved to safety. During the second World War the entire stud was destroyed and the few survivors were at an agricultural show in Moscow.
Intense breeding programs were established in an attempt to revive the breed, unfortunately there was very little pure blood to go around. A few animals were located and Akhal-Teke blood was added in controlled amounts. It took 8 years, but the breed was revived, although in very small numbers. Today some of their original blood also flows through the veins of the Ukrainian Riding Horse.
Use Today Riding horse, Military, Show horse
Height 15.2 - 16 hands (60.8 - 64 inches)
Colour Black, Bay
Characteristics Head is lovely with a straight or slightly concave profile
Eyes are large and expressive
Neck is long and arched
Back is long and muscular
Legs are strong, clean and well placed
Hooves are dark and strong
Personality and Temperament Good tempered, easy to train and versatile
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