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Pintabian Horse

Pintabian Horse

Country Of Origin United States of America
History and Background Foundation Pintabian horse breeders developed the breed by backcrossing tobiano horses to purebred Arabians for a minimum of seven generations until a strain of tobiano marked horses over 99% Arabian blood had been developed, at which point the breed was considered a purebred horse breed in its own right. The Pintabian Horse Registry was established in 1992.
Use Today Riding horse, show horse, carriage horse, equestrian sport
Height 14.2 to 15.2 hands (58 to 62 inches, 147 to 157 cm)
Weight 900 to 1,100 pounds (410 to 500 kg)
Colour Piebald and skewbald
Characteristics The conformation of Pintabian horses reflects the same ideal desired for the Arabian. The defining characteristics are their coat pattern and percentage of Arabian blood. Pintabian horses have a small muzzle with large nostrils and big, wide set eyes. Their forehead is broad with a concave face and small ears. The neck is well arched and connects smoothly to a sloping shoulder. The legs are straight with clean, flat bone and hard hooves. They have a short back with well sprung ribs and a relatively level croup with a high carried tail.
Personality and Temperament Enthusiastic and responsive
Gentle and intelligent
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