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Nero Siciliano pig

Nero Siciliano pig

Place of Origin Italy
Origin The Nero Siciliano is a breed of domestic pig from the Mediterranean island of Sicily, in southern Italy. It is raised mainly in the province of Messina, particularly in the Monti Nebrodi. For this reason it is often known as the Nero dei Nebrodi; it may also be called Nero delle Madonie or Nero dell’Etna, for its association with the Madonie mountains and mount Etna respectively. It is one of the six autochthonous pig breeds recognised by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture and forestry.

A herdbook was established in 2001, and is kept by the Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Suini, the Italian national association of pig breeders. At the end of 2012 there were 3642 pigs registered.
Purpose Meat
Characteristics Hair colour: Black

The Nero Siciliano is raised both for fresh meat and for salumi. Animals for direct consumption are usually slaughtered at 6–7 months, at a weight of 70 kg (150 lb), while those for the production of preserved meats are usually slaughtered at 10–11 months, when they weigh 115 kg (260 lb) The principal salumi are the Salame Sant'Angelo, which has IGP status, and Prosciutto di Suino Nero dei Nebrodi; capocollo, guanciale, and coppa are also produced.
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