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Galiceño horse

Galiceño horse

Country Of Origin Mexico
History and Background The Galiceno is a horse breed developed in Mexico, bred from horses brought from Spain by Hernán Cortés and other conquistadors. Although small in stature, they are generally considered a horse, rather than a pony, and are always solid-colored. In Mexico, they are an all-around horse, used for riding, packing and light draft. In the United States they are often used as mounts for younger competitors, although they are also found competing in Western events. The breed descends from horses brought from Spain to Mexico during the 16th century. Many of these horse escaped or were released and formed feral bands in the interior of Mexico, which were then captured by local inhabitants. They were also often used by Spanish missionaries to the American West, where they became some of the ancestors of the American Indian Horse. In 1958, these horses were first imported to the United States, and in 1959 a breed registry was formed. Many of the horses are also registered with the American Indian Horse Registry.
The Galiceno developed in Mexico from horses imported by Hernán Cortés, mostly thought to be Portuguese Garrano and the Galician Pony of Spain. It is thought that Sorraia blood was added at some point in the breed's history. The ancestors of the Galiceno were among sixteen horses landed by Cortes during his Mexican invasion in 1519 for use in the mines and as transport. During the rest of the 16th century, conquistadors continued to bring horses into what is now Mexico, including many small-framed, smooth-gaited horses. Many of these horses eventually escaped or were released and formed feral bands in Mexico's mountainous interior. Over the next few centuries, local inhabitants began to catch and use horses from the increasing populations; the type that eventually became the Galiceno was especially prized in coastal regions. Galicenos were used by Spaniards in silver mines and as pack horses; in the latter role they moved further northward with the Spanish missions and were sometimes lost in battle or stolen by Indians. These horses eventually became part of the Mustang herds of the American West, as well as playing a role in the ancestry of the American Indian Horse.
The first Galicenos intentionally imported to the United States came in 1958 as part of a herd of 135 horses, many or all of them previously feral Mexican horses. In 1959, the Galiceño Horse Breeders Association was formed in the United States to maintain the breed; and by 2005 had registered about 7,000 horses throughout North America, with around 20 new foals registered each year. Some Galicenos are also registered with the American Indian Horse registry, which is dedicated to preserving the lines of horses bred by the Native Americans of the United States. DNA testing carried out on Galiceno horses in the United States, including one of the original horses brought out of Mexico, has found markers similar to those in other known Spanish populations. In 2013, the breed was added to The Livestock Conservancy's (TLC) Conservation Priority List in the "study" category, which is reserved for breeds that need further study into their history, genetics and breed standards. TLC estimates the US population to stand at between 200 and 300 animals, with a very low population of active breeding stock.
Use Today Pleasure horse, Riding horse
Height 12.2-14.1 hands high (49-56 inches, 124-142 centimeters)
Colour Bay, Black, Brown, Grey
Characteristics The Galiceño characterizes splendor, elegance and ability. This native animal is quite distinct. Its head is quite broad, but its lively eyes and keen ears complement the shape of the face. The neck is lean and the withers are sloped and even. The body contour is slightly small and the back is horizontal and smooth. Its legs are strong and well-built and their hooves are tough and well-formed.
Personality and Temperament Galiceños are typically very docile animals. They can easily adapt to their trainers and to the environment. The Galiceños is perhaps one of the best riding horses for children. Galiceños possess outstanding intelligence and fortitude. Even though Galiceños are small animals, they are very strong. They have excellent endurance and can carry things heavier than their own weight all day long. One thing that is innate in the Galiceños is its exceptional gait, which they acquired from their Spanish lineage.
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