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Comtois horse

Comtois horse

Country Of Origin France
History and Background The Comtois horse breed is an old breed of horse that is believed to have descended from horses brought by the Burgundians of northern Germany to France during the fourth century. It is believed that they have been bred in Franche-Comté and in the Jura Mountains since the sixth century. In the Middle Ages they were used as war horses. They were bred in Franche-Comté and in the Jura Mountains. During the 16th century, the Comtois breed was used to improve the Burgandy Horse and these horses were used as a cavalry and artillery horse, and were present in the armies of Louis XIV and later Napoleon Bonaparte. The Comtois is used today for hauling wood in the pine forests of the Jura in the mountainous regions of the Massif Central, and for working in the vineyards in the Arbois area. They are also bred for the French horsemeat industry. In the 19th century, other draft horses such as the Norman, Boulonnais, and Percheron were bred into the Comtois, and more recently the Ardennes was used to produce a stronger horse with better legs. Today, they are second only to the Belgian draft horse in number in France.
Use Today Agriculture and light draft work, Riding horse, Meat
Height 14.1 to 15.1 hands high (56-60 inches, 142-152 centimeters)
Colour Bay, Chestnut
Characteristics Its most remarkable features, are its thighs and legs, which are well-muscled and quite powerful.
The Comtois’ head is distinct from most other horses: rather than being long and tapered, it is quite square. Its eyes are alert and bright, showing the horse’s keenness. The withers and ears, meanwhile, are both well-set. The neck is not arched or sloped like that of most horse breeds, but rather straight and stocky; the neck’s chunky look can be attributed to well-developed muscles. The breed also has a broad and deep chest, a wide croup, rounded ribcage, and short, but powerful loins.
Its well-defined tendons, joints, and feet give the Comtois its sure-footedness and good sense of balance, which in turn make the Comtois an ideal heavy draft horse for high-altitude and mountainous terrain.
Personality and Temperament The Comtois is a lively and spirited horse; aside from its abundance of energy, it is recognized for its stamina. In fact, a horse show is held annually at Maiche to choose the Comtois that excels in these characteristics.
Other Considerations Much like other draft horses, the Comtois is a hardy breed. But to develop endurance, hardiness, and surefootedness in Comtois horses, it is best to rear them in high-altitude places. However, the Comtois is highly adaptable and can flourish almost anywhere, even in remote and semi-wild breeding farms.
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