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Autre Que Pur Sang horse

Autre Que Pur Sang horse

Country Of Origin France
History and Background The Autre Que Pur Sang or (AQPS) loosely translates to ‘other-than pure blood’ and is a classification used for race horses in France that are not of pure English Thoroughbred lineage.
The AQPS is an exclusive category of racing, horses must have 75% English Thoroughbred and less than 5% Arabian blood to participate. The rest of the bloodlines can be a mix of regional French saddle horses (like French Saddle Horse and Anglo-Arabian). These animals are run both on flat tracks and in steeplechase races.
This mix is not as swift as the English Thoroughbred, although they prove to be sturdier and to possess more endurance. They often excel in obstacle races and longer distances against an open field. This classification does not exist for hunter, jumpers or eventing, it is limited to the race track.
Use Today Steeplechase, Race horse
Height Varies
Colour Any colours and patterns
Characteristics Varies
Personality and Temperament Varies
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